"The Phenomenon." Directed by James Fox. Released October 6, 2020. (The final installment of a three-part post. For the first two parts, click here and here.) There are impressive UFO witnesses. There are not-so-impressive UFO witnesses. And then there's Salma Siddick. She's a … [Read more...]
“The Phenomenon” – Reflections on James Fox’s New UFO Documentary (Part 2)
"The Phenomenon." Directed by James Fox. Released October 6, 2020. In my last post, I began talking about my reactions to James Fox's new UFO documentary "The Phenomenon." I talked about what I thought the film had succeeded in establishing: first, that some very smart and very serious … [Read more...]
“2020 – The Summer of the Saucers” (Navy UFO Videos, Pentagon Task Force, New York Times)
"This is a big one for me — maybe the one I feel most strongly about," Bryce Zabel (@hollywoodufos) tweeted on August 13 about his article "People Get Ready," published that same day on medium.com. It's an important article, filled with prophecies, nearly all of which I think are bound to fail. … [Read more...]
The New York Times and the UFO – Leslie Kean, Ralph Blumenthal, Harry Reid
It's not, as they say, your father's New York Times. Very definitely, it's not my father's New York Times. My father, who died over 30 years ago, swore by the Times partly on account of its well-deserved reputation for gravity and sobriety, partly because of the center-left politics that … [Read more...]
“Unidentified Viral Objects” – the Pandemic and the UFOlogist
A tale of two podcasts, Part 1. (I'll post Part 2 in another two weeks.) Both podcasts aired, two weeks apart, on the "Micah Hanks Program," where I had the honor of being interviewed several weeks afterward. Their dates were March 9 and 23, straddling that awful week when the coronavirus storm … [Read more...]
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