Suppose I were to tell you that an alien abduction has been reported by no less a scientific authority than a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist. You’d be impressed, wouldn’t you? But suppose I were to add that said Nobel Laureate has a long history of experimenting with psychedelic drugs. That he … [Read more...]
“Can It Be Coincidence?” – Barney Hill, Whitley Strieber, and the Sinking of the Titanic
"The single most important thing to understand is that in most cases of startling coincidences it is impossible to make even a rough estimate of their probability. They are what mathematicians call problems that are not 'well formed.'" --Martin Gardner, The Wreck of the Titanic Foretold? How … [Read more...]
The Mystery of the Merkabah – The Alien Eyes
(This is the fifth and final post of a series. To begin the series, click here.) "Oh--oh, the eyes are there. Always the eyes are there. ... Only the eyes are talking to me. I--I--I--I don't understand that. Oh--the eyes don't have a body. They're just eyes ... not connected to a body. … [Read more...]
The Mystery of the Merkabah – The Eyes of Terror
(This post is the fourth of a series. To begin the series, click here.) Imagine: we're Jewish mystics of the sort that Gershom Scholem called the "merkabah mystics"--fascinated, or maybe obsessed, with the divine Chariot (merkabah) that's described in the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel. … [Read more...]