I’m taking a break this week from my regular postings. My friend Karen Thornburg has sent me some wonderful photos from my February 10 reading at the Regulator Bookshop, on Ninth Street in Durham, NC, and today I’d like to feature those pictures.
Karen is the mother of Adrian Thornburg, who played Danny Shapiro in the book trailer. On the left of the photo below, you’ll see Adrian’s grandmother Elaine Bauman–a good friend, who read a draft of Journal of a UFO Investigator and helped me get the book into the shape it’s in today. Then come Adrian, his parents Karen and Brian and his brother Ben, and on the right, my beautiful wife Rose.
Here I am, signing a book for Danny Johnson, a terrific emerging novelist and author of the short story collection Harry and Bo and Other Stories from a Rambling Mind. Next to Danny in line are Laurel Goldman, author of Sounding the Territory and The Part of Fortune, and Peggy Payne, author of Revelation and Sister India. Peggy is not only a great writer, but a very fine book doctor whose skills served me well when I was in the beginning stages of Journal of a UFO Investigator. You can learn more about her and the services she offers at her website.
And here I have the honor of signing a copy for Laurel, one of the wisest and most generous people I’ve ever known, mentor and guide to more writers than I could begin to name. What an evening that was! In the words of the traditional Jewish prayer, “Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who hast kept us alive and sustained us, and brought us to see this day!”
Looking good, David! Hope the book is doing super well!
Trish and Rob